On datajms.com, you have access to good practices and ideas for a trusted use of AI and data science, built from hands on 10-year experiences on real-life and varied company projects.

I am a independent/freelance Lead Data Scientist, working on various AI projects. I am a Trustworhty AI specialist, working to make AI systems more Explainable, Fair, Robust, Privacy-preserving, Ethical and Compliant

Before, I have worked as a Senior Data Scientist for H2O.ai in the Responsible AI team, bringing new innovations and ideas from academia and market into products. I was previously a Manager for the data science consulting firm Quantmetry, delivering varied AI use cases from fraud prevention for banks, to sales pipeline optimization etc. Before working in consulting, I was a Research Engineer for EDF R&D, working on forecasting and optimizing generation and demand on European electricity systems.

I live in Paris. I enjoy playing the piano and taking a few minutes to play rapid chess. I like running as well!

You can contact me at this address: jeanmatthieuschertzer at gmail dot com